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Eastern Region Counter Terrorism Advisory Group

The ERCTAG is a stakeholder engagement forum working to help tackle the threat of terrorism.

What is the ERCTAG?

The ERCTAG consists of survivors of terrorism, academics, and a variety of faith and community representatives and acts as a critical friend to ERSOU's Counter Terrorism Policing unit.

The group meets quarterly and is focused on covering the topics which are important to our local communities. It also has advisors who bring experience of working with Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs), as well as specialists in education, immigration, the prison service, health and security, all of whom are independent of policing. Their role is to feedback on issues that matter to their communities, not to pass intelligence to police.

What is the Counter Terrorism Advisory Network (CTAN)?

The CTAN is a national stakeholder engagement forum which was formed by Counter Terrorism Policing in 2017. It is independently chaired, and its membership consists of survivors of terrorism, academics and researchers, a variety of faith leaders, and community representatives, all of whom are independent of policing.

What is the purpose of the regional advisory groups?

UK Policing aspires to continue to actively and positively engage with the local communities. The success policing relies upon the trust, confidence and support of all of communities. Working alongside them and being open to being challenged and accepting new ideas and ways of thinking is what helps to build that trust.

Why were the regional groups formed?

The CTAN was created to provide the opportunity for dialogue directly and indirectly between Counter Terrorism Policing and those affected by terrorism, so that they could be a ‘critical friend’ and provide feedback on a variety of issues linked to policy and strategy.

The ERCTAG is a ‘critical friend’ of ERSOU and in this role is able to consult with police colleagues to ask questions, share the concerns of local people, be a sounding board for important counter terrorism issues and help to reinforce important messages. 

What does the ERCTAG hope to achieve?

Since the ERCTAG’s creation in 2020, work has been undertaken to grow and embed the group to listen to concerns and feedback across the length and breadth of region. It enables members, in an advisory capacity, to provide their perspective to help local decision-makers respond to issues which directly impact their area. Regional perspectives are also fed back nationally, considered collectively, and used to help inform areas of work that require a national or consistent approach across the UK.

Whilst Counter Terrorism Policing is not obligated to act on the feedback of the network, and members are not accountable for any decisions taken as a result of their advice, the ERCTAG supports members in fulfilling the important role of ‘critical friend’ by inviting constructive scrutiny and seeking advice. Consultation events and the contributions of members help us to better understand the potential impact of policing activities and policies, and where necessary, to make changes to the approach.

It is this collective effort, underpinned by a solid, productive partnership between communities and policing, that will enable policing to learn, evolve, and refine practices together, helping us to improve protection of the public against the terrorist threat.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more information, are interested in becoming an advisor or have some suggested topics for review by the ERCTAG please get in touch.


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